< Michael Curran, Associate Professor of Economics

Michael Curran - Villanova School of Business

Welcome to my teaching page

I am a tenured Associate Professor of Economics within the Villanova School of Business at Villanova University, teaching Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory, Applied Computational Financial Economics, International Economics, and Economics of Risk and Uncertainty. Registered students should consult Blackboard for course material.

Aug 10, 2014 by Michael Curran

I was an adjunct lecturer during 2014-2015 for 3rd Year Mathematical Economics; course material for registered students has been available on Blackboard. Material for 4th Year Macroeconomic Theory has also been available on Blackboard for registered students.

The objective of the remainder of this page is to provide material from my part of the 2012-2013 MSc Econometrics course.

This page contains files on the preparatory course in MATLAB including an introduction to LaTeX, the MSc Econometrics I & II outline or year overview, the specific course overview and policy sheet, reading list, course notes and problem sets.

MATLAB Session

Aug 10, 2012 by Michael Curran

You can find all notes, data and code files and podcasts in the link in the left-hand side bar of this page, "zipped files". The zip files can be opened with any conventional zip program, e.g. WinZip or the free 7-Zip. WinZip works for Windows and there is also a Mac edition. Linux users can use unzip, e.g.: unzip zipfile.zip

Or to list the contents of the zip:

unzip -l zipfile.zip

Or to test the contents of the zip without extracting:

unzip -t zipfile.zip

When unzipped, the podcasts are in mp4 format; your computer should come with a player or you can always get VLC player (and a few other things) legitimately for free at http://ninite.com/. This player is cross platform Windows/Mac/Linux.

The matlab-session pdf is the main file for the one day MATLAB course and explains all other files when they are referred to.

Extra material on Identification

Dec 23, 2012 by Michael Curran

You can find notes on the left hand side that provide some extra material on the topic of identification. These notes correspond to laboratory session notes for 3 year undergraduates. The mock exam questions at the end come with solutions.